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#AIGCcTlx | Helps Lorena Ruiz with collectives to eradicate sexual violence and child pregnancy

Writer: GraphosCcTlxGraphosCcTlx

Updated: Dec 25, 2022

Helps Lorena Ruiz with collectives to eradicate sexual violence and child pregnancy

In the Congress of the State of Tlaxcala, the state presentation of the International Project was carried out: "In community, we Prevent and Respond to Sexual Violence and Child Pregnancy in 12 Municipalities of Mexico", which will be executed by the Gender Equity Organization , Citizenship, Work and Family A.C. and DDSER Tlaxcala with support from the UN Trust Fund to Eliminate Violence against Women.

The event took place in the Vitral Patio of the Legislative Branch, where the President of the Commission for Gender Equality and Against Trafficking in Persons, Lorena Ruiz García, endorsed her commitment to provide support to girls and adolescents in the fight against violence, as well as promoting unity between collectives and civil associations, in order to work together to guarantee the free development of children.

The congresswoman pointed out "it is very important to talk about the incidence of sexual violence and child pregnancy in Mexico, because it is a public health and human rights problem."

Likewise, he said that no civilized society can remain indifferent and tolerant in the face of these inhumane acts, on people who are more vulnerable due to their minority, therefore, it is essential to weigh government efforts to guarantee adequate development of children and adolescents. ”.

She pointed out that as a legislator, in order to prevent sexual violence and child pregnancy, from the highest State forum she has presented initiatives that help eradicate practices that violate the rights of children, such as the initiative presented on March 8 with the that seeks to eradicate child marriage.

The presentation of the project included the intervention of the National Director of Gender Equity, Citizenship, Work and Family A.C, María Eugenia Romero Contreras; the head of the State Population Council (Coespo), María Ana Bertha Mastranzo Corona; the head of the Women's Justice Center, Yenny Charrrez Carlos and the director of the Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights (Ddeser) in Tlaxcala, Rosario Texis Zúñiga; who explained how the State Program "In my Community We Prevent and Respond to Sexual Violence and Child Pregnancy" will be applied, based on the different studies and statistical data obtained by the collectives.

It is worth mentioning that this project is of international application, but in the country it is focused on 12 municipalities, of which Chiautempan, San Pablo del Monte and Tetlanohcan are considered, which are where the highest incidence has been noted and are considered priority areas. but Teolocholco, Acuamanala and Tlaxcala will be added, the rest are towns from Puebla, Hidalgo and the State of Mexico.

In this way, the institutions, collectives, civil organizations and the Commission for Gender Equality and Against Trafficking in Persons of the State Congress will work in a coordinated manner to provide safe spaces for children, accompaniment, and protection, as well as a guarantee that they will be able to fully enjoy their rights, without fear of being violated.



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