#AIGCcTlx | #Column #Open Chapel | Last Wednesday, April 27, a survey applied in 21 municipalities of the state was released, where the municipal management of their respective mayors is evaluated. The data it yields is surprising because in times of the 4t, which the mayors emanating from National Action are the best positioned, suggests that the electoral times towards the midterm elections have begun.
And if this is correct, then the blue and whites definitely come out in a very good position, just in the days when the morenista campaign insists on calling the opposition parties of the Alliance for Mexico headed by this party "traitors to the homeland" and that they arrested the approval of the energy reform promoted by Morena and the president of Mexico. According to the Opina Mx methodological note, the survey was carried out between April 18 and 21, that is, just one day after the historic vote in the Chamber of Deputies. Hence, the PAN leadership in the state must be celebrating and putting together a tremendous party and it is not for less, since, in the midst of a smear campaign, the population of the municipalities that govern supported them and reiterated their support.
Of course, within the PAN there are those who are happier and it is obvious that these are the members of the "Apizaco group" and especially the mayor of San Pablo Apetatitlán who, with these results, are positioned and strengthened in the face of the 2024 battle.
As we have already said, the study, according to the methodological note, was carried out from April 18 to 21 of this year, interviewing 1,200 people from the 21 most important municipalities in the state of Tlaxcala and, in face-to-face interviews, From housing to housing, citizens were asked if they approved or disapproved of their municipal authority, yielding the following results: The best evaluated municipality turned out to be San Pablo Apetatitlán, with an approval of 57 percent, followed by Apizaco and San Pablo del Monte, both with 48 percent; then follows Xaloztoc with 39 percent and closes the top 5, the municipality of Coaxomulco with 38 percent.
Undoubtedly, these results should give the state leadership and especially the PAN mayors, Ángelo Gutiérrez and Pablo Badillo, certainty that today they are the best mayors in the state, but they should not be trusted and should work to obtain better results. and seek to make a difference with the other Tlaxcalan mayors.
The survey was applied to homes in Apetatitlán, Apizaco, San Pablo del Monte, Xaloztoco, Coaxomulco, Papalotla, Totolac, Tlaxcala, Huamantla, Tlaxco, Ixtacuixtla, Santa Cruz Tlaxcala, Tepetitla, Tetla, Chiautempan, Calpulalpan, Yauhquemehcan, Panotla, Nativitas, Teolocholco and Zacatelco, through face-to-face interviews, with a margin of error of plus or minus three. By Pedro Luis Ogazón by #AgenciaInformativaGraphosCcTlx Want to check the full survey, download it here....